Jan 31, 2023
Grab your fedora, and your bull whip, it's tomb raiding Star Wars style time!
Indy would be proud of the Batch this week as they solve puzzles on their way to buried treasure!
But alas, it wasn't treasure at all...instead it was the key to a long dormant war machine!
What was it? Who left it there? What's it purpose? Do...
Jan 26, 2023
It's almost here! The Mandalorian Season 3, and we're here to dive much deeper than you'd expect...well...maybe you do expect it from us, either way, we really get into some wild speculation for this new season! Where the show could go, who's involved, and all the hints this trailer provides that we most likely over...
Jan 23, 2023
We're off to the races and we've got some credits to gamble with!
It's a Tech centric episode this week as he steps in to drive the speeder racer to help save Cid from her gambling debts. Speaking of Cid, there's something she's not telling the team about, and it just might come out soon and could put everyone...
Jan 16, 2023
This week we check in with Crosshair and find out where he's at, as the last time we saw him, he was left stranded on Kamino!
Turns out he eventually got picked up, and is still fighting for the Empire despite their disregard for his life, but this episode brings a surprise beloved character in to cause him to...
Jan 9, 2023
We are Back!!
Catching up with The Bad Batch as they snatch some loot from some...forest crabs? and are running for safety...man, good thing we stayed in shape this last year and a half!
Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo and Omega are all here and we're seeing where they're at after a few month time jump. We see Omega has...